If the terminal (phone, modem, tablet) purchased together with the internet service is locked for use in a single network, this information needs to be specified in the contract. Moreover, you also need to find in your contract information on the possibility and conditions for unlocking the terminal.
Generally, mobile telephony providers have agreed to unlock the terminals locked in their own network, following the rules established by a code of conduct. The Code of conduct is publicly available.
About what, how and where can you make a complaint?
If the terminal purchased together with the internet service is locked for use in a single network, and you do not have any contract provisions on this aspect, ANCOM can take measures. See how you can notify us. Consult the section Complain to ANCOM.
If the provider fails to comply with the conditions for unlocking the terminal as stipulated in the contract, you can address the National Authority for Consumer Protection. In this situation, ANCOM can provide counselling and mediation, but cannot sanction the provider.
Although the mobile network operators have adopted the Code of conduct, the document has no legal value. Therefore, ANCOM cannot sanction a provider for non-compliance.