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Conditions for the submission of postal items

  1. General conditions

The postal providers individually establish the conditions for the acceptance of the postal items.

However, as a general rule, the following items are not accepted:

  • postal items consisting of goods whose carriage is forbidden by the law;
  • postal items whose wrapping has inscriptions which are against the public order or good morals;
  • postal items consisting of goods which are against the public order and good morals, if these are submitted unwrapped;
  • postal items presenting unremoved labels or old inscriptions.

The postal items remain the sender’s property until they are delivered to the addressee.

  1. Special conditions

There are postal items which are admitted if certain special conditions provided for the carriage of these goods are fulfilled in addition to the general conditions.

Thus, the goods for which special carriage conditions are established, by administrative, economic, sanitary, veterinary, phytosanitary and other similar legal provisions are admitted only under the conditions specified pursuant to these provisions.

As well, the goods whose carriage, loading, unloading or reloading bring along difficulties to the handling of the postal provider’s means or facilities are admitted only pursuant to the technical and usage conditions agreed between the provider and the sender, for each case individually.

Attention! For food products there are special transport/storage set, for instance, by rules in the sanitary-veterinary field or, depending on the nature of the goods, there is interdiction to transport the respective goods. Regularly, the providers do not accept to deliver a package that contains perishable products and, in the event of sending a product that is not accepted for transport, they do not take responsibility for possible deterioration/damage.

  1. Conditions of wrapping and labelling

When the nature of the good subject to a postal item requires it to be wrapped, the postal provider must protect this postal item pursuant to the standards and technical rules in force. During the entire period of clearance, sorting, transport and delivery, the postal provider is liable for the total or partial loss of the good that was sent, as well as for the damage caused to people, environment, facilities used and to other goods.

The postal provider is obliged to accept the good wrapped by the sender as long as the wrapping is compliant with the standards and technical rules in force. In this case, the sender is liable for the total or partial loss, deterioration, damage caused to people, environment, facilities used or to other goods, occurred because of hidden vices due to the wrapping.

If certain postal items impose special handling and storage measures, in keeping with their nature, the postal provider will label them accordingly to indicate the handling and storage conditions. The postal provider may make available standard labels to the sender. The postal provider is obliged to admit and use the inscriptions and labels applied by the sender as long as these are compliant with the standards and technical rules in force.