The contract concluded with your provider must stipulate the amount of the monthly flat rate for your subscription to the television service, as well as the tariff for leasing/purchasing certain equipment.
Read your contract. Pay special attention to:
- amount of the subscription and the charging cycle (month/quarter/year);
- amount of the main package and of the additional packages (e.g. movie package, adult content package etc.);
- validity term for all the extra-options, bonuses or other discounts granted;
- price of the equipment purchased along with the service or the respective lease fee, as applicable;
- amount of the penalties or their calculation method in the case of jeopardizing or losing the equipment offered in custody, as applicable;
- delay penalties in case of failure to pay the bill within the due term;
- amount of the reconnection fee, when the service has been suspended.
About what, how and where you can complain
If you concluded a contract that does not provide these details, ANCOM may take steps. Visit our section Notify ANCOM and send us a complaint.
If your provider breaches the contract (e.g., if the provider has charged a different tariff than that mentioned in the contract), you can address the National Authority for Consumers Protection. In this situation, ANCOM can provide counselling and mediation, but cannot sanction the provider.