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Fraud and data security

Currently, technological developments allow us to use increasingly sophisticated equipment, which fulfils several functions. We use them to call and be called, to send and receive messages, to access the internet.

In particular, smartphones and tablets allow access to email from anywhere, enable the use of social media and lots of useful or entertainment applications, but it is precisely these possibilities that expose  users to increased security risks.

In this context, we advise you to take some protective measures:

  • Do not use the default PIN! Personalize it and do not communicate it to anyone!
  • Lock your screen with a password
  • Set a minimum period of inactivity after which the terminal automatically locks
  • You can restrict calls from certain sources (e.g. international calls)
  • Do not change the security restrictions set by the terminal manufacturer
  • Install a well-known anti-malware application and set it for regular updates and scans
  • If you intend to connect your terminal to a computer, make sure that too is equipped with an anti-malware software and firewalls
  • Periodically update your installed applications and the operating system
  • Download applications only from official webstores, owned or recommended by manufacturers, and read user reviews on such applications. Some apps may appear to be authentic, but they contain software that could allow a hacker to remotely access your smartphone and access the stored personal data, make calls, send SMSs, or download online content without your knowledge
  • Install an application for finding the terminal location, in case your phone is lost or stolen. There are also remote access apps that allow you to delete information stored on your phone (such as photos, contact list, etc.)
  • If your phone is lost or stolen, notify your telephone provider as soon as possible so they can suspend your SIM card
  • Allow downloading newer software versions of your operating system, since they might be developed to better protect you from malware and other security threats
  • Before disposing of your phone or passing it on to someone else, erase all your personal data stored on it.

Warning! You can fall victim to frauds launched by unknown persons who call you from international phone numbers. If you run into such a situation, we advise you not to answer or not to call back the international numbers that you do not know because you risk being overcharged as the tariffs for these destinations are high.

You can also be the victim of a fraudulent attempt/action if you are called and asked, under various pretexts, to send an SMS / type a code on the phone / communicate certain personal data.

Even though they might be presented as coming from your telephony operators or known companies, such communications represent fraudulent attempts to obtain unjustified gains and are initiated by ill-intentioned persons.

The pretext for requesting such operations may be:

-winning prizes/ participating in certain promotional offers;

-verifying whether the telephone service and related services are functional;

-verifying certain payments that you have made to your telephone operator;


What is really happening?

Most often, by initiating such requests you top up or transfer credit to the cards of unknown users, who take advantage of the situation.

What can you do?

If you have already initiated such a request, immediately notify your telephone operator and the police to open an investigation.

WARNING!!! In most cases, the operator can block the phone number on the receiving end of the transfer/top-up, however it is possible that the transferred amount is also blocked until the investigation is concluded.

ANCOM cannot intervene in such situations.

For more information, consult the brochure on Telephone fraud