Regarding the installation and activation of the internet service, the term within which the provision of services is to start must be stipulated in the contract concluded with the provider. Usually, the contract stipulates a maximum term for service installation/activation. The provider can install/activate your services sooner; however we suggest you take into account the term provided in the contract, as you can make a complaint or request compensation only if this term is exceeded.
Before entering into a contract with a provider, you can access their website and check to what extent the provider generally observes the service activation term. Read more here.
If you wish to make a complaint to your provider about exceeding the service installation/activation term mentioned in the contract, we advise you to consult the Complaint Handling Procedure and the Procedure for measuring the quality parameters, documents that must be available on the provider’s website.
NB! For each complaint you make, the provider must provide a registration number, even if it is on the same issue.
About what, how and where can you make a complaint?
If the provider does not comply with the contractual obligation regarding the term for providing the service, you may address the National Authority for Consumer Protection. In this situation, ANCOM can offer advice and mediation, but it cannot sanction the provider.
ANCOM can take measures if the service activation term is not stipulated in your contract. Consult the section Complain to ANCOM!