During the execution of the contract, the television service provision can be suspended in the following situations:
At your request
Some providers offer their clients the possibility to request the suspension of their services for a limited period. The possibility to request the temporary suspension of the service and the conditions therefor must be specified in the contract you have concluded with your provider. If you are interested in this possibility, check where and how to submit the request, what is the maximum period for which you can request the suspension of the service provision, if this period will proportionally extend the initial contractual duration, under what conditions reconnection is performed, if reconnection fees are charged etc.
At the providers’ initiative
In certain situations, specified in the contract, the provider may decide to suspend your service provision. Usually, the suspension of the service can be caused by failure to pay the bill within the term indicated in the contract, the existence of a network security risk or by the non-observance of other contractual obligations. The contract must contain at least the following information regarding the suspension of services: in which cases the provision of services may be suspended, the possible consequences of the suspension on the other contractual rights and obligations, and under what conditions the provision of the service can be resumed (for example, after payment of the outstanding amounts and a reconnection fee).
About what, houw and where can you make a complaint?
If the provider does not comply with the contractual obligation referring to the terms of suspending the service provision, you can address the National Authority for Consumer Protection. In this situation, ANCOM can provide counselling and mediation, but cannot sanction the provider.
ANCOM can take measures if the terms for suspending the service provision are not provided in your contract, even though the provider offers you this possibility or it exercises its right to do so. Consult the section Complain to ANCOM.