Radio operator certification
- maritime mobile and maritime mobile-satellite radiocommunications;
- aeronautical and aeronautical mobile-satellite radiocommunications;
- radiotelephone radiocommunications on inland waterways ;
- mobile terrestrial radiocommunications.
In this respect, ANCOM:
- regulates the national activity of the abovementioned services.
- ensures the existence of the professional competence of the personnel operating radiocommunications networks and stations within the abovementioned services;
- ensures the acknowledgement of the educational background of the foreign personnel operating radiocommunications networks and stations within the frequency bands allotted to the abovementioned services, according to NTFA.
- permanently harmonizes the national legislation in the field with the international provisions with a view to ensure the operational and legal compatibility of the stations within the abovementioned services, from Romanias territory, directly relating with the stations located on other sates territories.
ANCOM issue:
- operators certificates for aeronautic